Author Archives: Breanne

Mama, is daddy your best buddy?

Josanna is cracking me up today! 

J- Mama is daddy your best buddy? 

Me- yes

J- why do you kiss him all the time?

Me-because I love him

J- do you remember when you got married?

Me-yes, and it was a beautiful wedding

J- So, daddy is your love man then.

Me- yes, daddy is my best buddy love man 🙂


The girls were in the back of the car on the way to dance class.  I heard them saying, “I’m gonna play with uncle Brishon”.  The other said, “well, I’m gonna play with uncle Zion.”  Then one says, “deal?”, and the other says, “deal”!.  Then they both spit on their hands, shake hands, and say “Forever!” in unison.  It was hilarious! 🙂  Then they kept doing that over and over again.