Happy Gotcha Day Josanna!!

It has been one year today that we signed Josanna out of Toukoul Orphanage. The year has gone by so quickly! Josanna is such a happy girl with a big loud personality. She loves her big brother and sister so much and gets so excited when her daddy comes home from work. I have been thinking the pregnancy’s and deliveries of Mekiah and Abrielle. Their deliveries did not go as planned with both of them being c-sections after long labors. I have wondered why it could not have gone smoother and I think I now know. Had my deliveries gone smooth and as planned, I most likely would have had more biological children and may have never been as open to adopting as I am now. I think God had other plans for me and Josanna was meant to be in our family. I am thankful that God has shown this to me and I am trusting him to continue to guide our family. Josanna has added so much fun and life and has brought many new friends our way. We are so thankful for our precious baby girl!!!! We love you Josanna!

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Words Josanna can say and sign at 18 months old

Josanna has watched a few Signing Time DVDs and we’ve also been teaching her some signs ourselves. She has taken to learning signs very well.  The Signing Time DVD series is great. Here is what she knows right now:

Say and sign:
Hot, bird, ball, more, doggy, flower, all done.
Sign only:
Chicken, milk, eat, please.
Say only:
Hi, cookie, cracker, momma, daddy, Kia, Bell, Ya, owl, snack, up, yay, uh oh, tada!, shoes, socks, bye bye.