Abrielle loves to take care of her little sister. She was pushing her in her baby doll stroller.

Can you tell that she LOVES bath time!

All clean!!!!!

So many uncles! (and this is not all of them…)

Sweet angel girl……

First Tooth

Today Josanna got her first tooth. I can’t wait unitl it starts peeking up, it will be so cute! She is developing by leaps and bounds and it is quite amazing to watch!

Josanna learned how to clap today and it is SO cute! She is such a happy baby and has started rolling all over the floor now. She can also sit up for about 10-15 seconds. I am just amazed at how well she has adjusted and fit right into our family. What an amazing little girl she is and I know that God has great and wonderful plans for her.


Josanna started rolling over both ways! She is developing SO quickly. We have only had her for two weeks and she was not even close to rolling over then. SHe has also gained probably about a pound and is starting to get a little baby chub. I love it!

Ethiopia, Day 8 – Last day

Today is Saturday and our last day here in Ethiopia. Our flight is at 10:50pm tonight. I have really enjoyed our time here getting to know the culture. We are staying here at the guest house today getting packed and getting rested for our long 23 hour journey home. I am ready to go home. I really miss Mekiah and Abrielle and it has been the hardest part of this trip, being away from them for so long.
Several more people have arrived here at the guest house today. So far it has only been us and the Fiekens, which has been pretty nice. We have gotten lots of special treatment from the staff here. The staff has been awesome and so helpful. They are always smiling and willing to help.