Author Archives: Breanne

Words Josanna can say and sign at 18 months old

Josanna has watched a few Signing Time DVDs and we’ve also been teaching her some signs ourselves. She has taken to learning signs very well.  The Signing Time DVD series is great. Here is what she knows right now:

Say and sign:
Hot, bird, ball, more, doggy, flower, all done.
Sign only:
Chicken, milk, eat, please.
Say only:
Hi, cookie, cracker, momma, daddy, Kia, Bell, Ya, owl, snack, up, yay, uh oh, tada!, shoes, socks, bye bye.

Happy 1st Birthday Josanna

Josanna had a great time celebrating her birthday. We had lots of family come and friends there and ate yummy Ethiopian food. Josanna had an owl themed birthday and it turned out so cute! The most special part was that on her actual birthday, October 22nd, her adoption certificate came in the mail. Her adoption is now finally complete! I had thought how cool would it be if her final paperwork came on her birthday, and it did. God blesses us in even small ways and lets us know that he cares. We are so overjoyed to have Josanna as part of our family and it was special to get to celebrate her first year of life. I do think often of the choices her biological family had to make so that she could live. We are so thankful that they chose to let her get the help she needed and to let her be adopted into our family. They gave us such a gift. God is good, all the time!

Yummy Ethiopian food!!

Hey there friend, you got something on your face!

These girls are so cute together!

She did not really know what to think of the cake and ate the owl off the top. She got a handful of frosting and got overwhelmed and starting crying. Poor baby was tired and ready for a nap. Having a party is so tiring!