Ethiopia, Day 3 – Meeting up with Tiffany and Todd

We met up with Tiffany and Todd Fieken this morning (friends of ours from the Beaverton area that are also adopting a baby girl). They flew in late last night. After breakfast we met a nurse named Tigist who works at Toukoul. She rode with us to the orphanage where we got to have a long visit with Josanna. We were given her schedule and what she eats. We also dropped off our donations to the orphanage. We were not allowed to tour Toukoul because they do not want the babies catching sickness from so many strangers. After we left the orphanage we came back to our guest house for lunch. At lunch we met a woman named Aster who helps to take care of the guests here and she was very funny. After lunch our driver and our guide (Jon Michell), took us to the Hilton to exchange money and then we went shopping and then stopped at a coffee shop (Kabu). Traffic was really crowded and driver was so crazy. I thought we were going to get hit several times or we were going to run over someone. It was a fun day though. Dinner is next, then a phone call from home. Then bed.

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