Ethiopia, Day 6 – Our Embassy Appointment

Today was our Embassy appointment. We did not do a lot in the morning. Just ate and watched Josanna. Our appointment was at 3:00pm so we left for it after lunch. We met Sintayou, our lawyer, at the Embassy. We had to go through two check points and put our bags through the scanners and show our passports. Then we went to a waiting room to await our turn. There were several other American adoptive families there also, so it was fun to talk and share our stories. After about 45 minutes, Smith Family was called and we went upstairs to a counter where a woman sat behind a window. The woman was very nice and just asked us a few simple questions and we had to sign Josanna’s visa papers. It took only a few minutes and it was over. Her visa will be ready for her tomorrow, and a driver will bring it to our guest house. The Embassy apptment was much esier than I thought, so I am releaved about it.

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