Ethiopia, Day 7 – Out for a traditional dinner

After breakfast this morning Tiffany and I went shopping for a few more tings that we wanted to get. Jim and Todd stayed at the guest house with the babies. We first exchanged some money. Ibrahim was our driver and Tigist went to help us in the shops. We went to a few shops in the “post office” to get traditional coffee pots, art work, and a few more gifts. They call it the post office because all the stores are around the post office. We also went to the Sheritan hotel to look around. It was very beautiful and fancy. We went to a coffee shop and bought coffee grounds (smashed coffee) and coffee beans. Lastly we stopped on the side of the road and bought some tooth sticks they use for cleaning their teeth. Tigist and Ibrahim are a lot of fun and we had many laughs.
We went out for a traditional dinner this evening. There were ten people in all, including us, the Fiekens, Tigist, Michelle, Ibrahim, the french IT guy, Syntayou, and Aster. The food was very good and I tried a traditional honey beer. There was live music and dancers. The dancers pulled a few of the dinner guests up to dance and Jim went. He did pretty well and it was funny to watch. He got really winded though since the air here is so thin. We gave everyone gifts that we had brought, and they liked that. It was a fun evening. We left the babies here at our guest house with two babysitters. They babies were both sound asleep when we got back from dinner.

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